Monday, July 03, 2006

Which Page Should You Put Your Sign Up Form On

A lot of people get confused on what page or pages should they put their sign up form on. "Should I put it on my home page?" "Should I put it at the top of my forum?" "Should I put it on my blog?" "Where should I put it?". The answer is simple. Put it on every page that you have. You might be asking, "well won't it look too repetitive?" To some it might, but if you have your website optimized for the search engines then everyone's not going to land on your homepage.

Let's say you create a page for the new Dodge Charger. If your site is listed on google then google will link to your Dodge Charger page, not your homepage. So, if you have your internet user search for Dodge Charger on Google, then it brings them to your Dodge Charger page, and you only put the sign up form on your homepage. Guess what! They're not going to see it. Odds are they're going to read your article, and leave. There's a chance that they might want to check out your Muscle Car homepage, but wouldn't your chances be better if you put a sign up form on your Dodge Charger page? Of Course.

Just keep in mind that every page is a possible landing page, and that's the key reason why you should have a sign up form on every single page.

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